martes, 3 de febrero de 2015


Dear Parent / Carer,

Your child is about to start unit 6. The topic of this unit is Energy. In this unit, your child will:

·learn to identify some different forms of energy and recognise that energy changes from one form to another
·learn to understands the importance of energy in our everyday lives
·learn to identify light as a form of energy and recognise some characteristics of light
·learn to identify sound as a form of energy and recognise some characteristics of sound
·learn to classify energy sources as renewable or non-renewable
·learn to identify some advantages of renewable energy
·learn to identify some disadvantages of non-renewable energy
·learn to listen to, read and understand a story about mirrors
·learn to write a simple text about how you use energy

Additionally in this unit, your child will investigate energy in things that are hot and cold as well as shadows and the way light interacts with objects.

Mrs. Eva.

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